
Rectors Forum


The Forum of rectors of Russia and Kazakhstan has been opened in Chelyabinsk, which was attended by the heads of leading universities of neighboring governments, as well as the Ministers of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

The forum took place ahead of the main event – the XIV interregional cooperation Forum with the participation of heads of governments of Russia and Kazakhstan.

As it was noted, the forum has become a permanent dialogue platform for specific tasks. For the first time in the history of the regional Forum in the framework of the meeting of the two presidents was selected the theme of education and human capital.

The Forum participants noted that Kazakhstan is the friendliest educational space, as evidenced by joint research projects, their establishment and development on the bases of universities of both countries.

– Tasks that face us, determined our presidents, and they are very capacious, — said in his speech rector of Lomonosov Moscow state University Victor Sadovnichy. Presidents noted the necessity to build a shared system of fundamental education. It is the policy of our governments, and our task is to implement this policy.

Another task facing education today is the joint strategy of development of science and innovative activity of modern universities.

–It is very important that today the main theme is human capital – said the rector of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University Galymkair Mutanov. – Education should be the main value. Students are those people who will do the science of the future and to influence life in General. We have retained a unified educational space and now need to continue to improve quality, introduce new projects. And such meetings is the best start for this.

Examples of effective collaboration every year becomes more and more – today, there are 30 contracts between universities of Kazakhstan and Russia. It is expected that closer to the evening, Kazakh and Russian universities will sign a number of memoranda with the purpose of joint activities within the objectives that will determine the Forum of rectors of Russia and Kazakhstan.