On December 8, 2011 in Almaty Association Bolashak with support of the Ministry of Education and Science of RK and Akimat of the city of Almaty holds a forum of employers «Bolashak 2011: Let's construct the future together». The forum is devoted to the 20 anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Association 10 anniversary Bolashak.
Within a forum Fair of vacancies and seminars will take place:
«I am a leader or how to sell myself on a labor market»;
«Profession auditor»;
«Features of the bank sphere in RK. Youth support»;
«How to build a rapid and successful career»;
«How to begin the business: Ways of attraction of investments»;
«Interview passing»;
«How can any company utilize projects work model to help employees grow fast»;
"Labor market".
Forum beginning: 09:30.
Venue: Royal Tulip Almaty hotel, Almaty, Ospanov St., 401/2 (уг.пр. Dostyk).