Office of Professional Development and Career
News and announcement

KPMG Case Competition


Dear listeners of the project «Open chair» and Global Class!

The KPMG company is started interuniversity competition of business cases: «KPMG Case Competition». This competition is focused on students of older years who will be aimed in the near future at job search in the international companies. Competition will allow them to apply the knowledge, analytical skills and ability to work in team to find the best solution of a case!

The first stage is a selection round which will be led in each university. The won team will represent the university, and to compete with the best students of other universities at the final competition KPMG.

Students will have a chance to compete in the real business environment, to expand the knowledge of business, to develop skills of collaboration and skills of carrying out presentations, to show the talents and to gain experience at professionals of KPMG.

Students of older years of a bachelor degree can participate in competition 3-4 course only. To make an application on participation it is possible as a part of group, i.e. children independently form teams and submit one general application for participation (where individually fill a form of the participant). Groups should consist of 4 participants. Free possession of English is an indispensable condition for all participants. Students should show interest to business, possess strong leader qualities and experience of the solution of complex challenges.

Students send the filled demands from group to (download) on, having specified in a subject of the letter of "KPMG Case Competition". All groups will receive the notice on receipt. Registration of participants till January 15 2011г.

Teams will be selected proceeding from concrete criteria. Then selection competition will be held. Selection Round - on January 15 - on January 28, 2012 (previously). From students it is required to analyse business a case, to develop strategy of its decision and to present it before jury. The jury consisting of professionals of KPMG, will define the best team from each university which will represent the university at the final competition KPMG.

Winners of selection stages will have an opportunity to represent cвой university at final competition which will take place on February 4 (preliminary date). 6 teams will fight for the Prize and a title of the Champion of KPMG Case Competition 2012.

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