Office of Professional Development and Career
News and announcement

Registration on summer practice in Karachaganak Petrolium Opereyting B. V is open


Dear students!

Karachaganak Petrolium Opereyting declares a set of students on summer paid practice on the following specialties B. Century: information systems, telecommunications, economy, account and audit, management, international relations, translational business, chemical technology of organic and inorganic substances, standardization, metrology and certification, ecology, geology.
Dedlayn documents acceptance till May 1, 2012. The list of documents provided in the company on passing of practice: statement of the candidate for practice, транскрипт; identity card copy; RNN copy, plan of practice of the student.
The filled form and documents of practice we ask to hand over in the career and business Center. Administration, 1 floor, left wing, ph. 377-33-73

Career and business center