Office of Professional Development and Career
News and announcement

Fair of vacancies of Almaty


Dear students 4 courses!

On May 18, 2012 Fair of vacancies of Almaty with device support акима the Bostandyksky area and management of employment of Almaty at 10.00 o'clock will take place. The ample opportunities will be presented to graduates of 2012 to familiarize with proposals of employers, to submit the summary, to pass interview and will get job in the specialty. Also department of employment of the Bostandyksky district of Almaty invite graduates-2010г. to hold «Youth practice» with a salary at a rate of 26 000 tenges.
Youth practice is an additional measure of the state support of graduates of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS for acquisition of initial experience by them on the received specialty. The graduate can hold Youth practice in any organization irrespective of form of ownership. Full information can receive on ph. 3922190

Career and business center