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The Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education – Rating (IQAA Ranking) has identified the leading universities of 2023. In this rating, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is recognized as the first and the best university of Kazakhstan in the category of multidisciplinary universities of the country.
This rating includes an analysis of the quality of academic resources of universities, an expert assessment of the quality of university activities, a sociological survey of employers and government agencies, a survey of students. Having scored the highest possible scores on all indicators, Al-Farabi KazNU once again confirms the high reputation of the university as one of the leaders in the field of education and science.
Also, according to the results of the ranking of websites of Kazakhstani universities in 2023 according to the IQAA Ranking, Al-Farabi KazNU took a leading role among other universities in the country. The methodology for calculating the rating of websites is based on the following 8 criteria: the size of the website, content, site updatability, design and ease of navigation of the website, presentation of the website in the state, Russian and English languages, the number of visits, the number of links to the website, the speed of the website (on a computer and mobile devices). To calculate the criteria, the following services are used (Google, Megaindex, site analysis – PR-CY). The design and convenience of websites are evaluated by the agency's experts.
According to the results of the rating on scientific publications of Kazakhstani universities in 2023 of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, Al-Farabi KazNU entered the top three of the leading universities of the country, taking second place after Nazarbayev University. The methodology for calculating the rating of scientific publications is based on data for the last 5 years from 3 bibliographic and abstract databases of peer-reviewed scientific literature - Scopus, Web of Science (Clarivate - CIS), the Russian Science Citation Index (eLIBRARY). This ranking takes into account the number of publications in Scopus, the Hirsch index in Scopus, the number of publications in Web of Science, the Hirsch index in Web of Science, the number of publications in Science Index (core of the RSCI), the Hirsch index in Science Index (core of the RSCI).
The Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education – Rating (IQAA Ranking) allows Kazakh universities to determine their positions, assess the level of competitiveness of educational services, promote the quality work of the university, and most importantly - to attract more students and expand the scope of attractiveness for employers.
The results of the ranking of Kazakhstani universities are published on the official website https://iqaa-ranking.kz/ and in the newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda".
Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University