University passport

University passport

University passport


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


KazNU named after al Farabi

Founded in



Chairman of the Board – Rector of NJSC «KazNU named after al-Farabi» Zhanseit Kanseituly Tuymebayev

Certificates, licenses

On state re-registration of a legal entity of 12/19/2001. Certificate No.23845-1910-GP 03.02.2010. State license № AB 0137355 


There are 16 faculties, 67 departments, 32 research institutes and centers, a technopark in KazNU.

Preparation of specialists

The bachelor-87, master's - 98, PhD - 83 speciality.


The total area of KazNU - more than 100 hectares.

Infrastructure of the University include:

  • The main administrative building
  • Palace of students  named after  O.A Dzholdasbekov.
  • 14 academic buildings
  •  4 museums
  • Al-Farabi Library
  •  Youth Internet center
  •  "AI-TUMAR" catering center
  •  Student service center  "Keremet"
  •  Sports complex
  •  14 students House
  • House of young scientists
  •  Swimming pool named after D. Balandin
  • Technopark
  • Smart Health University diagnostic center

Contingent of studens

More than 25 000 students, undergraduates and doctoral students

Teaching staff contingent

The University has more than 2000 professors, candidates of Sciences and doctors of philosophy, more than 100 academicians of the largest academies, fellows 40 honored of state and nominal scholarships and about 40 fellows of young scientists, 40 holders of state scientific scholarships.

International cooperation

KazNU cooperates with more than 400 major international universities in the implementation of the international program of training, exchange of students and internships.

Scientific activity

Dissertation board:

- International relations;

- Philology

- Linguistics

- Social science and education

- Philosophy

- History

- Economy

- Law

- Mathematics

- Computer science and information systems

- Physics

- Chemistry and chemical technology

- Geography

- Biology

- Nanomaterials and nanotechnology


Republic of Kazakhstan, 050040, Almaty, al-Farabi ay., 71



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