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The second experience of online PhD thesis defence at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University within preventive measures to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus.

The Faculty of Oriental Studies of KazNU in cooperation with Al-Jouf University of Saudi Arabia has held an international online seminar on learning Arabic using modern technology for foreigners.

According to the research of the authoritative European rating «Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard» («ARES») Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has been highly evaluated by «AA+ and ranked among the leading European universities.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has once again confirmed its leadership position. It took first place in the National Ranking of the Best HEIs of Kazakhstan-2020 (IQAA-Ranking), by a significant margin ahead of other multidisciplinary universities.

KazNU has hosted an International Online Conference entitled «Law and Human Rights during the Pandemic», which discussed current issues of distance legal education, realization of human rights in quarantine and administration of justice in different countries at this time.
This year became special for our alma mater - Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. It is marked by events of international scale in connection with the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi, the name of which the university worthily bears.

Al-Farabi KazNU has became a member of the Worlds of Journalism Study Association (WJSA). This academic project aims to study the state of journalism in the world.

An international scientific and practical online conference «Education, Psychological and Pedagogical Science: Consistency, Continuity, Innovation», dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the famous public official Tolegen Tazhibaevich Tazhibayev, was held at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty.

The online presentation of the next volume of the book from the «Onegeli Omir» series, dedicated to the life and work of a well-known legal scholar, public official, member of the Presidium of the Alumni Association of Al-Farabi KazNU, Deputy Executive Director of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Igor Ivanovich Rogov, was held at KazNU.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will hold an online defense of Tanabaeva Anar’ doctoral thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the topic «The concept of «perfect man» in medieval Islamic culture» (specialty – «6D020400 - Cultural Studies»).