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For the first time, the International Conference «Model UN – New Silk Way» was held in an online format. The event, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the founding of the UN and the end of the World War II, was organized by Al-Farabi KazNU with the support of the United Nations Information Bureau and the Representative Office of the MFA of the RK in Almaty.
Newspaper «Liter» of April 13, 2020.
In a state of emergency, when it is necessary for the whole society, including the younger generation, to show responsibility and unity in the fight against the pandemic, social and youth policy becomes relevant. How the coronavirus has affected the life of students, what problems young people have faced and what activity they are showing under quarantine conditions – this issues was a main theme of our conversation with Sholpan Zhamanbalayeva, Vice-Rector of the largest University of the country – Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, where more than 26 thousand students are studying today.

In a difficult period for the whole country, the country's leading University, Al-Farabi KazNU, has joined the fight against the spread of a dangerous virus.

We sincerely congratulate You on the holiday – 75 Years of the Great Victory! It is difficult to imagine all the hardships and deprivations that have fallen to Your lot. Courage, heroism and faith in victory, fortitude and courage, inexhaustible love and devotion to the Motherland allowed You to defeat and overcome the enemy, giving humanity peace.

The KazNU’s lecturer and the student of the Department of General and Applied Psychology took first place in international competitions.

On May 14, 2020, Al-Farabi Center at KazNU holds an International Online Conference «The Heritage of Al-Farabi», dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the great thinker of humanity.

The Military Department of Al-Farabi KazNU and the editorial office of the Republican military-Patriotic newspaper «Sarbaz» jointly conduct online classes for future military journalists.

The creation of a social environment that is intolerant of corruption and the formation of a strong immunity among young people to such negative phenomena have of paramount importance in the educational and training activities of Universities. Since 2011, the Al-Farabi KazNU, under the leadership of Rector Galym Mutanov, has been implementing the «Corruption-free University» project, which includes a whole range of anti-corruption mechanisms and technologies. During the period of quarantine and the University's transition to distance learning, anti-corruption measures have become particularly important and relevant.

Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi KazNU, together with the Cultural Representation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kazakhstan and the University of Tabatabai, organized an international online course to study the Persian language and literature.

Issues of updating educational programs based on professional standards have been discussed at an online meeting of the educational and methodological association of Al-Farabi KazNU’s REMC. It was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Centre, HEIs of Kazakhstan and NCE «Atameken». The meeting was moderated by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of KazNU A.Khikmetov.