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Director of the Institute of Strategic Studies of the EAEC, the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Spitcin Anatoly T. gave a lecture for scientists, professors, doctoral students and undergraduates of Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi.

United Centre Regional Centre for Assistance at the Faculty of International Relations of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, which is a global hub on sustainable development of initiative of the United Nations Organization “Academic Impact” hold a round table “Role of UN organization in modern world and problems of sustainable development” dedicated to 71st anniversary of the UN

The faculty of international relations, Institute of problems of security and cooperation, Resource center of the American democratic studies, and Resource and information center on NATO of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on October 21, 2016 held an international scientific-practical conference “Evolution of the conceptual foundations and practices of multi-vector foreign policy of Kazakhstan”, devoted to the 25-anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The 1st year student of the Faculty of Oriental Studies Department of Chinese Studies Yoo Doyeol surprised listeners of "Kazakh radio" and viewers of TV channel "Kazakhstan" with his knowledge of Kazakh language. Doyeol finished preparatory faculty of KazNU and studies on the specialty "Translation Studies".

The student of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University took 1st place at the International competition in South Korea
At the International competition in South Korea on the 12th essay contest and oratory Taldybaev Zhanadil showed the best result among foreign students. In the International competition participated representatives from Malaysia, Bulgaria, Russia, USA, Ukraine, Indonesia, Mongolia, China, Japan, Monaco and Rwanda.

Department of Religious and Cultural Studies, Faculty of philosophy and political science conducted the following activities within the "Cult of healthy body" project and in order to testify the new project "Cultural leisure centre T-MAGBERD":

On October 10-12, IV International scientific conference "Modern problems of condensed matter physics, nanotechnology and nanomaterials" within Sarsembinov’s readings took place at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The founders are the Research Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Open National Nanotechnology Laboratory and the Department of Solid State Physics and Nonlinear Physics.

The scientific and educational international relations of Department of the Far East with the leading world universities on a regular basis allows teachers to improve their skills, to take training courses and participate in lectures, seminars, master classes conducted by foreign organizations.

On the 27-30th of September professor Ph.D Wojciech Kulesza (University of Social Sciences and Humanities,Warsaw, Poland) visited our university. Mr. Wojciech Kulesza - social psychologist, one of the leading experts in the world in the field of applied social psychology, met with scientists, teachers, students of the KazNU Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science.

The Faculty of Oriental Studies in cooperation with the Embassy of Japan in Kazakhstan organized a lecture on making compositions from living plants. Students of Kazakh National University acquainted with one of the most beautiful and ancient Japanese traditions. Sophistication, variety of forms and styles of ikebana found an echo in the hearts of students.