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In the course of the 46th Scientific Conference, within the walls of KazNU, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a meeting of the Educational and Methodical Association (EMA), where representatives of regional universities in cooperation with experts from industrial sectors discussed the amendments into the law «On education» in the system of staff training.

On January 8th, 2016 Al-Farabi KazNU Korean Studies Department graduate students were awarded with Korea Foundation Fellowship for Graduate Studies.

For those passionate about science and photography!
Till the 10th of January 2016 everyone interested can participate in the Science Photo Competition 2015 and contribute to the global knowledge bank – Wikimedia projects: Wikipedia and Commons.

MEXT scholarship: A special program on Global Food Security Partnership Program at University of Tsukuba(PhD)

Young Scientists House is opened in KazNU

December 4, 2015 in the Consulate General of Korea in Almaty took place an open Kazakh-Korean forum "Silk road".
Fund "Dream Koreans CIS" awarded scholarships to KazNU students

Seminar and Interactive Dialogue with UNIC JakartaOn International Day of Democracy, UNO Almaty in cooperation with UN Development Programme (UNDP), organized a seminar for 32 experts from 15 African countries. Participants discussed issues related to health, agriculture, oil and gas. The “Central Asian Food Security” project was introduced and representatives of UN agencies/programmes and the al-Farabi Kazakh National University (UN Academic Impact Initiative - Global Hub on Sustainability), shared their experiences related to agriculture and its vulnerability to climate change. Part of the event included an interactive dialogue with UNIC Jakarta via Skype, 15 September.

The head of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Mr. Hideyuki Asano hold an open lecture "traditional culture of Japan" on the faculty of Oriental Studies on 25th of November. Students of Japanese studies departure took part in that lecture.
November 13, 2015 KazNU Resource and Information Center on NATO with support of NATO Public Diplomacy Division held Vannual national students’ NATO Mini-Model. Topic of the game: «NATO-Central Asia cooperation in countering international terrorism». The aim of this NATO mini-model is to study positions of NATO members and of Central Asian countries in search for new mechanisms and methods of combating international terrorism.