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From 16.06.2014 till 27.06.2014, the ICGEB Summer School on Molecular Oncology (review lecture) for PhD training will take place in al-Farabi KazNU.
On June 12, 2014 in Kazakh National University (KAZNU) named after al-Farabi at the faculty of International Relations (IRF) the ceremonial opening of the international exhibition "Democracy and dictatorship during an era of extremes took place. View of history of Europe of the XX century".

“Higher Education in China” fair will take place in the Palace of Students on the 17 of June, 2014 in cooperation with PRC State Committee, Consulate General of PRC and Al-Farabi KazNU.

May 31, 2014 at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, took place meeting organized by the graduates of the University Alumni Association of Biologists dedicated to Al-Farabi University 80 anniversary. Colleagues - biologists came to congratulate the academician of NAS RK HJ Dyusembin graduate 1948 and hrofessor L.E.Bulekbaeva 1949 graduate.

The chair of religious studies and cultural studies and the students of specialities "Cultural science" and "Religion" may 17, at 11.00 held a concert-congratulation "Future starts today" for all the 80 graduates KazNU the faculty of philosophy and political science. Graduates of the faculty congratulated honorary-graduate Raisa Amantaevna and noted that vypuskniki of the faculty of philosophy and political science have always been considered the elite of the society, the modern world also needs a spiritual renewal, the task of all of the graduates of this faculty to maintain spiritual values of society.
5-6 may 2014 Department of Geography, Land management and Cadastre, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Science of al-Farabi Kazakh National University will be held the international scientific-practical conference «Modern problems of geographical science» according to the 80th anniversary of al-Farabi Kazakh National University and 65th anniversary of the Department.
The First National Environmental Youth Forum "Youth. Ecology. Culture" was supported by Alia Nursultanovna Nazarbayev.

Department of biophysics and biomedicine during organization of associate professor Дощановой Б.К., senior teacher Кулбаевой М.С. and conducted the students of 3th course of 201-202 groups of speciality of "5В060700-Биология" of April, 24, 2014 measure at faculty level on a theme "In a healthy body is a healthy spirit" within the framework of project "Cult of healthy body".

The Organizing Committee invites you to take part in the work of the National Round Table of the I-th Farabi talks devoted to the 80th anniversary of the University "Problems of bioenergetic recovery and biomedicine" which will be April 25, 2014.

8-11 April 2014 at the Higher School of Economics and Business hosted an international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi alemy" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Kazakh National University named after Al -Farabi.