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12/19/2013 "Competitiveness and International Trade in CENTRAL ASIA REGION "
International seminar on the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO ) on the theme: "Competitiveness and International Trade in CENTRAL ASIA REGION " was held from 10-14 December, 2013 on the basis of the Faculty of International Relations, al Farabi University.
12/12/2013 The Poetic Hour
Onthe 4-thof Decemberthe Poetic Hour took place in “Tarzhiman” Club, which wasdedicatedtocreationof Kazakh and English poets. The students of all courses took an active action in this interesting meeting. The scientific supervisor of «Tarzhiman» club, docent Musaly L. Zh. Wished luck to all translators.

On December 4, 2013 Center for Research on Contemporary China of the al -Farabi Kazakh National University held The republican scientific-practical round table with discussion on "The Role of Xinjiang in the Kazakh- Chinese relations ."

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Science and Technology Park was a seminar-meeting with Vice-Rector for Social Development Sh.E. Dzhamanbalaeva involving Vice Deans for scientific innovation and chair of social and humanities faculties for familiarization with the commercialization of scientific research.
Was International scientific - practical conference "Regulation of economic issues in the CU and CES : practice and problems " took place on 6-7 December 2013 at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Higher School of Economics and Business.
Science and technological park of Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi visited CRDFGlobal "Technology Commercialization Center" Damir Egizbaev, chief expert of the University of Texas group Eric Azuley and expert on intellectual property Oleg Dyachenko, also head of the office for commercialization CRDFGlobal Central Asian region Yevgeny Krasovskii and senior office manager commercialization Almaty Rose Buldekbaeva .

We invite you to participate in the lectures “History of philosophy of the 17th and 18th century” from December 9, 2013 to December 21, 2013 by the PhD doctor, professor James Petrik (Ohio University, USA).

3-4 December 2013 in the framework I Investment Forum held in Almaty IV Innovation Convent best innovative projects of young scientists in six categories: "Best social project", "Best multimedia project", "Innovative Start Up», «Innovation at the service of society", "Innovative development of the city", "Innovations in the field of alternative energy sources," where their developments presented university students Almaty.

Department of Energy and Ecology of geography and environmental sciences faculty al-Farabi Kazakh National University took part in the scientific and practical conference "Towards sustainable development through green economy", which organized by the Ministry of Environment and Water Resources of RK and the UNDP in Kazakhstan December 3, 2013 in Astana.

Cultural-educative arrangement called “Breeding of young generation is a pride of the nation” took place on the 26th of November 2013 in Student’s house № 16 by the students’ trade union «Sunkar» of Higher School of Economy and Business, al-Farabi KazNU.