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On May 22, 2013 at 11.00 in 229 aud., build.6 the Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism for the first time on the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management arranged on-line career guidance for the secondary schools of Republic of Kazakhstan. The following secondary schools came to on-line connection from cities as: № 24 Pavlodar; № 46 Chingiz Aitmatov secondary schools, Shymkent; № 35 Taraz; D. Zhazykbaev secondary school № 16; Kulsary (Atyrau region) and S.Sh. Zhaksygulov secondary school, Taskala (West Kazakhstan region, Taskala district).
5/24/2013 Student’s Ekotrening
Director of Public Fund "Ecological Center" Lyudmila Ryazanov held ecological trening for students of the Department of Thermal Physics and Technical Physics on May 23.
The centre of the linguistic competences and the methodological bureau of the faculty of International Relations of Kazakh National University named after al Farabi in the frame of the linguistic strategy of the President of the RK: “Triunity of languages” on the 27th of June will hold a scientific-methodological conference “English is a language of global education: New challenges and new approaches”

Students of the Department of Technical Physics and Thermophysics visited the largest company "Coca-Cola Almaty Bottlers'. This company has been in Kazakhstan since 1994. The guided tour was interesting and informative, as future professionals in the field of standardization, metrology and certification in practice could become acquainted with the process. Negotiations are held way with the management about the practical experience at this plant.
5/17/2013 Scientific and practical conference dedicated to memory of Zhambatyrova
A ceremonial meeting and Republican scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary and memory of Gulshaukhar Shagatayevna Zhambatyrova, the first dean of the international relations faculty will be held on May 28, 2013 at the faculty of international relations al-Farabi KazNU.
5/10/2013 Summer school is starting soon at the department
We are pleased toannounce that theInternational Summer School(workshop)on "The flora and vegetationdynamics of theIli-Balkhash region. Biodiversity Conservation inCentralAsia"will be held 20-28May 2013in Almatyat the Departmentof Biodiversityand Bioresources. SummerSchool organized bythe Al-FarabiKazakh NationalUniversity, in cooperationwith theCentral Asian Biodiversity Network (CABNET),with the support of the University ofthe ErnstMoritzArndt(Greifswald, Germany), the Foundation for the Conservation of NatureMichael Succow(Germany).
5/3/2013 Dear teachers and students!
Professor of the University of Colorado (USA), director of the laboratory for human origins Michelle Glantz, as well as professors of the University of Colorado, Director of the Center of Archaeology Jason Labelle will held the lectures and consultations on issues and problems of human evolution before the history of Central Asia, Neanderthal morphology and evolutionary history and anthropology at the Department of Archaeology, Ethnology and Museology Faculty of History, Archaeology and Ethnology (Museum of Ethnology) duringthe 06 of May – the 23 of May, 2013.
April 26, 2013 Department of International Relations, Project Al-Farabi Carnegie on Central Asia at the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, with the support of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, held a video conference on the topic “Meeting of ministers of the Istanbul Process: results and prospects for the future”.

Faculty of Geography and Environmental Science of Al-Farbi KazNU organizes 7th Central Asia GIS Conference – GISCA 2013 which will held 2-3th May in Malachite Hall of the university. The main purpose of this conference is a meeting of scientists, educators and professionals for Geoinformatics and Geoinformation Science from Central Asia and other countries and support international cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of GIS education. Title of the conference «Connected Regions: Societies, Economies and Environments».
4/24/2013 French-Kazakh Centre for Research and Training «Geo-Energies» organizes admission tests to join its International Master
French-Kazakh Centre for Research and Training «Geo-Energies» organizes admission tests to join its International Master “Subterranean Reservoirs of Energies: Hydrodynamics, Geology, Modeling” delivering a Double French and Kazakh degree.