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Scientitfic-research Institute of Ecological problems took part in the discussion of project national standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the influence of open storage of sulfur in the environment February 22.
3/1/2013 Out of Kazakhstan on the world market: the prospective investment sectors
Department of International Relations within the economic and political club "Tinbergen" was a round table on the topic "Out of Kazakhstan on the world market: the prospective investment sectors (non-oil sector)."
2/28/2013 The presentation of the book "The Kazakh Educators about Religion" of Doctor of Philosophy B.K.Beysenov within the “100 books” project has passed
On February 27, 2013 the presentation of the book "The Kazakh Educators about Religion" of the Doctor of Philosophy, associate professor B.K.Beysenov within the “100 books” project was organized by curator of undergraduates of chair of religious studies and culturology N.K.Aldzhanova. The scientific library of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University organized an exhibition of 100 books of the “100 books” project.

21 February was Republican scientific-practical conference "Modern China and its relationship with Kazakhstan," in honor of the opening of the center "Studies of Modern China." At the conference were invited distinguished guests from all sides.
In the 18th of February, 2013 at the faculty of Oriental Studies of the KazNU named after al-Farabi was held the public lecture of the General Council of the Republic of Korea Mr. Song Chi Kyn on the topic “Management strategy of Kazakhstan, as reflected in the comparison of Samsung and Toyota."

Press service of the Ministry of Health of RK informed that Kazakhstan is at 12 place among 114 countries on the spread of HIV infection in 2012 year. This index compared to 2011 improved by 9 position, as a result of systematic anti- epidemiological actions.

A training workshop on "First aid in case of emergency" will be conducted at the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management on February 23, 2013.

On February 22 by the International Center of courtesy, etiquette and protocol of International Relations Departments will be held a "day of etiquette". The campaign will be handed out flyers, booklets and will be flashmob.
2/19/2013 Results of Ranking Web of World universities
According to data published by "RANKING WEB OF UNIVERSITIES", an official website of Al-Farabi KazNU rose in the ranking for 1000 positions and now takes 2002th place among 18 thousand universities of the world and the first place among universities of Kazakhstan.

14 February at the International Relations Department by initiative of the club "Diplomatic Missions", was a discussion on "The Concept of State Youth Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2020 “Kazakhstan-2020: The Road Ahead”.