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Scientific and practical seminar of department Energy and Ecology on a subject: «The wind energy potential as» passed the instrument of improvement of environment of Kazakhstan with participation of the leading expert of the Regional Ecological Center of Central Asia (RECCA), the graduate of Japanese university of Tsukuba of Almaz Ahmetov.

It was evening. The little foyer of juridical faculty was full of funny people. They laughed,smiled and have a lot of fun, The atmosphere in the room was very warm. After a long time there was an order near the lecture room’s door.

International Conference "Central Asia and Korea: status and prospects for cooperation", devoted to the 20 establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Korea and the 75-anniversary stay of Koreans in Central Asia.
Teams of al-Farabi KazNU which formed from students of department of recreational geography and tourism, took the 2’nd and 3’rd places in traditional competitions on tourism tecknic named “Memory of friends” which held on 19-21 of October in Maloalmatinskoe gorge.

Dear teachers, PhD doctoral candidates, undergraduates and students!
We invite you to participate in lecture under the title «History of western philosophy» to be read by doctor PhD, the professor of the university of Ohio (USA) James Petrik. The lecture will take place at October 17th, at 15.00, in audienceN19.

The Department of Kazakh literature and the Theory of Literature of the Faculty of Philology, Literary Criticism and World Languages of Kazakh national university named Al-Farabi invites to take part in the International scientifically-practical conference «Tursynbek Kakishuly and the actual problems of research of Kazakh literature and Literary criticism», which takes place on October, 12th, 2012.

Sports clubs of KAZNU and Recreational Geography and Tourism Department have organized climbing activity to the peak of Amangeldy Imanov (3998 m above the sea level, Ile-Alatau region) on September 30, 2012.

Call for scholarships under the ARCADE project of ERASMUS MUNDUS academic mobility programme is open now. This program is available for staff and PhD students of the University.
On Sunday, September 16, 2012, the first excursion to the Issyk Lake, organized the First Student Tourist Agency «Youth Travel» at the Department of Recreation Geography and Tourism, Faculty of Geography and Nature Management of Al-Farabi KazNU took place.