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2/24/2011 "Open Day" at the Faculty of International Relations
On February 17,2011 the Faculty of International Relations held a Special Day for school leavers, which was attended by school leavers of senior classes of 25 schools of Almaty and Almaty region (120).
2/23/2011 Debating tournament for a cup of «Сұңқар»
On February, 15th, 2011 at faculty of the International relations of the Kazakh National university there was a debating tournament among 1-course students for a cup «Сұңқар», devoted to the 20 anniversary of Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan. The organizer of the given tournament is the trade union «Сұңқар». The basic subjects of debate were social problems which debaters tried to solve.

16 February, 2011 Pamela Spratlen, the Deputy Chief of the USA Mission to Kazakhstan visited the International Relations Department and met with the students-members of the American Studies Students Association and Students Association M.I.R. NATO/
2/14/2011 Scientific seminar in English
On February, 11th, 2011 the First Vice-Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Mukash Burkitbayev has acted with the report on a theme: «Radioecological condition in the territory of Kazakhstan» in a traditional scientific seminar of the Chemical Faculty.
2/9/2011 Started to hold series of seminars on methods of teaching foreign languages
The methodical bureau of the faculty of international relations started to hold series of seminars on methods of teaching foreign languages.
2/8/2011 Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) took a brilliant defense of the thesis of doctoral graduate PhD Al-Farabi KazNU of Abdiadil Askaruly
Іn Polytechnic University of Valencia (PUV, Spain) held a dissertation of 2010 PhD graduate A. Askaruly in Applied Mathematics. This settlement and the theoretical work that has received the highest score written under the supervision of prof. V. Arkhipov and prof. I.M. Tkachenko-Gursky under the Agreement between Kazakh National University and Polytechnic University of Valencia on the PhD program of dual diploma, signed by the rectors of the universities in 2009.
2/3/2011 Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to participate to “Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress” which will be held from 12 to 15 May 2011 in Antalya (Turkey).
APMAS 2011 intends to be a global forum for researchers and engineers to present and discuss recent innovations and new techniques in Applied Physics and Materials Science.
Other topics will also be included in this conference, such as Computational Physics and Mathematics, Nonlinear dynamics and complex systems, Complexity and physics, Nano-science and mathematics, Computational nonlinear mechanics, Biological complexity and genetics, Chaotic systems, Nonlinear science and applications and Fractional dynamical systems.

Dear graduate students! We are pleased to inform you about a new project of the Council of Employers' - Online Courses - Foundation. With the help of Online K-Foundation you can prepare for work in international company for three months. All that you need is just access to the Internet.
For someone created a program of K-Foundation?
For graduate and undergraduate students that are configured on a career in auditing and consulting services.
Education within Online K-Foundation in 2011 include the following components: • the introduction of IFRS, the western accounting and tax bases of Kazakhstan;
• Financial analysis and corporate finance;
• English for the financier;
• business writing skills, presentation skills, time management, business dress code, etc.;
• and much more.
Participation in Online K-Foundation is free.
Training will be conducted remotely on the Internet.
The program is designed for three months. We will provide you a detailed schedule of all the courses, which enables you to leverage your time.
At the end of each course you will be asked to pass an online test.
All participants of Online K-Foundation will receive certificates of completion of educational programs KPMG with a list of all passed and successfully completed courses.

This year, the Tax competition was held for the third time. To competition were invited students 3-4 courses, as well as young professionals with experience in tax, economics, finance and law.
Judges consisting of leading experts of the company KPMG, assessed participants in accordance with specified criteria. As a result 20 participants who demonstrated incubated excellent knowledge in the field of tax, analytical skills and a commitment to professional development were became finalist. Chairman of the judges Zhant Berdalina bring out the best work, identified the winners in individual categories. In the no-crimination «Most creative approach to problem solution» has won student of the Higher School of Economics and Business Nurgul Tagaybekova; in the nomination «The best team» has won student of international relations Christina Isakov. Winners are accepted a paid internship without going through the standard stages of selection.

On January, 25th, 2011 on Department of Korean Studies of Oriental Studies Faculty public lecture of Doctor of Historical Sciences, professors has taken place, whether main research assistant of the Kazakhstan Institute of strategic researches at the President of Republic Kazakhstan German Kim on a theme «there Will be a new Korean war?».