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Access to the largest electronic and library IPRbooks system is open
Аl-Farabi library is glad to report you that access to the largest Electronic and Library IPR books system is open! Now each student and the teacher of our university has had an opportunity to work for free with the Russian license full text base of electronic editions — ELS IPR books which is the country's first certified electronic and library system recommended for use in educational activity of educational institutions.
ELS IPR books –reliable and useful resource for study and scientific researches uniting the latest information technologies and educational license literature, intended for the different directions of training by means of which any user will be able to obtain necessary information for preparation for seminars, offsets and examinations to perform necessary works and projects. To teachers ELS IPR books will be useful for drawing up curricula, preparation for occupations, obtaining information on new publications of colleagues.
ELS contains more than 94000 editions, 20000 educational and scientific works on various disciplines, about 400 names of the Russian and foreign magazines which most part is included into the list of HCC provides access to literature more than 500 federal, regional, high school publishing houses, research institutes, to works of scientific and leading groups of authors. ELS IPR books content in full conforms to requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in education, to standards of the higher school, secondary professional education, additional and distance learning. Also access to "Funds of the Russian libraries" (more than 62000 editions) – rare editions, notes, the periodical press, historical, local history literature, etc. is provided. Tests in the online mode which will help to check the knowledge of various disciplines (more than 350 tests) are available to users on the website.
Teachers are given an opportunity of inclusion and the electronic publication of their works in ELS IPRBOOKS with the subsequent indexing in the RISCs base (ELS IPR books is a partner of Scientific electronic library «Elibrary»). Inclusion of works in ELS will also promote increase of efficiency of educational process due to availability of editions for the students on a convenient platform with use of all opportunities and the ELS IPR books services, recommendations of the editions to students by preparation for occupations, a possibility of the analysis of statistics of work of students with editions, control of knowledge.
ELS IPR books daily is updated and replenished with new modern editions. Her distinctive feature is high-quality approach to selection of literature for educational process, the accounting of needs of students, teachers and libraries for necessary editions when completing funds. Among indisputable advantages — speed and convenience of search and a filtration of editions, expanded functionality, modern and convenient services for users, high adaptability of system, attentive approach to each reader.
Work in online version is available round the clock on the website http://iprbookshop.ru, www.bibliocomplectator.ru. Access to the full text of editions is possible after authorization, for this purpose it is necessary to receive login and the password in library (The electronic hall, the 3rd floor) or to be registered with the personal computer of higher education institution (on condition of the connected IP addresses of higher education institution). After obtaining the password it is necessary to pass personal registration and further to work under the registration data, using various services and the ELS technologies.
All necessary instructions for work with ELS are available on the website http://elibrary.kaznu.kz/