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Theory and practice of crisis management
11-13 April 2016 at the Higher School of Economics and Business was organized the International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi alemi".
The purpose of the conference: to stimulate research and teaching and learning activities of students; disclosure of creativity, selection and support of the most talented students and young professionals; promote the development of their intellectual capacities; involvement in the solution of scientific problems.
At the opening of the conference April 11, 2016 to 201 aud. VSHEB during the plenary session heard the following presentations: undergraduate of 2 course of "Finance" Seidaliev Sh.M.; undergraduate of 2 course of "Finance" Tekebaev Zh.M.; undergraduate of 1course of "Economics" Yerkin N.; doctoral student of 1course of "Economics" Shilimbetova G.; doctoral student of 1course of “Innovation management” Alexandrova I.A.; 1st year student of the specialty "Management" Galimzhanova A., 1st year student of the specialty "State and local management" Turar E.A.
The conference was held following sections are: “Problems of financing the infrastructure priorities of Kazakhstan in conditions of crisis”; “Theory and practice of crisis management”, “The role of accounting, auditing and analysis in crisis management” and “Diversification of the economy as the top priority of the country”.
On results of conference in four sections 1, 2, 3 seats awarded to the following students:
1-st place: Yerkin Nazarbai, 1st year master student, Economy specialty;
2-nd place : Seidaliyev Shyngys , 2nd year master student, Finance specialty;
3-d place : Galymzhanova Aidana, 1st year student, Management specialty, Turar Yersultan , 1st year student, 5В051000 State and Local Management specialty.
Besides the prize places, students were awarded incentive certificates for participation in the conference on the following nominations: for applied research problems; for the innovativeness of the report; for competent and complete presentation of problematic issues; for the high level of research; of erudition and professional horizons; a creative approach to the disclosure of the content of the theme; the best speaker.