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"Green bridge across generations" moves forward
On 11-12 April 2016 at the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi will be held the V International Student Forum "Green Bridge across generations" dedicated to initiatives of the President of Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev "Global Energy Strategy for Sustainable Development in the XXI Century" and the "Green Bridge".
The main purpose of the forum is to involve students and young scientists in the process of promoting "green" economy, environmental initiatives and strengthening the basis for interaction and exchange of youth organizations in the implementation of resources and energy saving and sustainable development.
This event was organized by the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development of the faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences and the Committee of Youth Organizations at al-Farabi KazNU.
The list of the invited guests showed interest of leading international institutions and organizations such as: UNESCO, the OSCE, the akimat of Almaty city, Kazakh-German University, the network «Car@wan» and others in the development aspects of the promotion of "green" economy and ecology. Reporters, students and young scientists from more than 36 universities of Kazakhstan, Russia, Hungary and Egypt covered all the key aspects of ecology, environment, green economy of Kazakhstan.
Work in this large-scale event held in three main directions: Problems of formation of ecological culture of students and the promotion of social projects for sustainable development, Protected natural areas» in the context of sustainable development and "green" economy, The transition to the "green" economy: the interaction of education, science and industry.
At the closing session of our event the final resolution was presented and the best works were awarded with prizes from the co-organizer of PF "Zhandanu alemi”.
V International Student Forum demonstrates the vast geography of the Forum, passion and desire of young people to make our state favorable for life, safe and prosperous.
R.V. Jasheko,
The Head of theUNESCO Chair
for Sustainable Development