29-30th March 2016 the Republican subject Olympiad on specialty "5V020900-Oriental studies". 25 students from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, L.N. Gumilev ENU and Ablay Khan KazUIR & WL participated in the Chinese Olympiad. In the first round, participants had a test and wrote an essay. 10 students passed the first round. In the second round the participants told about their projects and answer questions from the jury in Chinese. The bests are:
The 1st best is Beybіt Aydar, 4th year student of KazNU;
The 2nd best are Sakhanov Abay, 4th year student of ENU, Murzageldina Laura, 2nd year student of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University;
The 3rd best are Kabesova Moldir, 3rd year student of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi; Ramazanova Ainur, 4th year student of KazUIR & WL; Kurpasova Zhuldyz, 4th year student of ENU.
The winners were awarded with diplomas of the Republic of Kazakhstan Education and Science Ministry. The sponsor of the Olympic Games Confucius Institute at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University awarded winners with valuable gifts. In addition, the Consulate General of China in Almaty presented three winners educational grants. Holders of grants can choose any university in China.