
A conference "Farabi alemi" was held in the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi


11 – 12 of April 2016 the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi held an international scientific conference of students and young scientists of "Farabi alemi". The Faculty of Oriental Studies took an active part in the conference. Students and young scientists presented their research papers in the field of Oriental Studies.

The conference was held on 5 sections: -The first section: history, economics and politics of the East; -The second section: Actual problems of Oriental Languages and Literature; -The third section: Society, culture and religion of the East; - The fourth section: Green Economy in Kazakhstan and countries of the East; - The fifth section: East countries in the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Some of the Chinese studies Department students were awarded, namely: - the first section - the 3rd year student A. Baymuldina took the 2nd place, the work of the 4th year student Beybіt A. was the best in the nomination "Actual topic"; - the second section - the 2nd year student A. Sagidollaeva took the 2nd place, the 2nd year student Burkhan B. took the 3rd place; - the fourth section - the 4th year student Beybіt A. took the 3rd place; - the fifth section - the 3rd year student A. Dospaev took the 2nd place, the 3rd year student Ilip A. took the 3rd place. In this section, the work of the 1st year master’s student Andreev A. was the best in the nomination "Actual topic", the work of the 2nd year student Estakova D. in the nomination "Special view", and the work of the 1st year student Akhmetova A. recognized for "active participation". Some students were awarded for their participation in the conference in other faculties. For example, the 1st year student Usabay D. in the section "Professional language is the basis of the state language" in the Faculty of Philology took the 1st place, the 3rd year student A. Erden took the 3rd place. Awardees and winners were awarded by diplomas and valuable prizes.