
Training Workshop «Publication of research results» with Dr. Amos Fatokun


In the framework of the Intergovernmental Kazakh-British program “Newton - Al-Farabi” Center for professional development and collaboration in Almaty, based at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, and Technopark of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a workshop “Publications of research results”. The one-day training workshop was held in Technopark of Al-Farabi KazNU on the 3rd of June 2016.

Publication of the results of scientific research - one of the traditional responsibilities of the researcher, but it also has particular importance due to the fact that the successful publication, especially in top journals and other media, are a key indicator of productivity of scientists, as well as its prestige. The workshop was held by Dr. Amos Fatokun, PhD, assistant professor of University of Bradford, UK, where he teaches and conducts research in the field of medical sciences. His works have been published in several leading international journals.

20 representatives of universities and research institutes in Almaty and Almaty region participated in the workshop. The participants learned how to prepare a publication for promotion of their research results. As a result of the workshop, scientists will be able to improve the quality of their research institutions, as well as the rating and reputation in the international research community.