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Accreditation - the global tool for support of social interests
Accreditation - the global tool for support of social interests
June 9, 2016 on the basis of the Scientific library of al-Farabi KazNU a round table on the topic «Accreditation – the global tool for support of social interests» was organized by the representatives of the LLP «National Centre of Accreditation» within the framework of celebration of the International Accreditation Day.
Opening the round table, the general director of the LLP «National Centre of Accreditation» Kurmangaliyev Serik Sholpankulovich told about the state and development prospects of the accreditation system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and noted that application of standards and abidance by rules of metrology in all spheres of activity is one of the main entry conditions to the market of competitive products.
Speaking at the round table, the Vice Rector for Research-Innovation Affairs Ramazanov T.S. noted relevance and necessity of continuation of works on the accreditation of research laboratories of the University both in the accreditation system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and at the international level and expressed readiness of the University to establish cooperation in the field of accreditation. Thus, during the round table the memorandum aimed at mutual cooperation in the field of accreditation of research laboratories, exchange of technical information, training and staff development in the training laboratory accreditation and related activities was signed between the Al-Farabi KazNU and the LLP «National Centre of Accreditation».
The round table was attended by the heads of different organizations, whose activities are directly or indirectly related to the application of standards and abidance by rules of metrology, such as the LLP «InterCert» Center for Certification» the South Kazakhstan branch of the RSE «KazInMetr», the JSC «NOBEL», and others. The heads of structural divisions of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, as well as students and master students of the Faculty of Physics and Technology on the specialty «Standardization, Metrology and Certification» were among the participants too.