

At Science and Technology Park of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was opened "Centre for Innovation in Science and Education", which has a program of "the birth of innovative projects."

At this stage, the leading role in the development of society play with new ideas and innovations. Despite the riskiness of business innovation, the main motive of this activity is that of labor productivity growth, all other things being equal, lead to lower costs per unit of output, which will certainly provide additional high income, covering the initial costs. This is the formula the effectiveness of intensive innovation development of economy. Depending on the level of innovation, profitability may be varying, often high Additional income can only be obtained through the introduction of innovative projects. These actions will ensure economic growth. No other way.

To create the institutions of "long money" is first necessary to develop venture capital funds. Based on international practice, they will fund the initial stages of innovation projects that banks refuse to finance because of their high risk. When venture capital financing venture capital funds of the risks of innovation projects in high-tech companies take on increasing their business activity. The experience of industrialized countries confirms the creation of a network of venture capital funds. How to write foreign authors, at one time venture capital funds have financed innovative activities such global companies as «Apple Computers», «Microsoft» and others. The innovation process, as it is known, multistage. Therefore, here we are talking about the stages of "Идея-НИР-НИОКР".


 Activities of the centre «The mechanism of nucleation of innovative projects» Includes the following activities


1. Submit by email CENTER e-mail: its application for the "idea" or the project:

2. Center scans and registers your application and respond to you about this.

3. The Centre sends the draft to the appropriate department for examination.

4. The Department within a specified period sends the scanned "conclusion" to e-mail Center.

5. If the "conclusion" is positive, the Center sends across the Technopark "project" to the author for further action.


Stage "idea" is paid by the author of "ideas."