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Contemporary clinical psychology: problems and prospects
September 6, 2016 at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science hosted an International roundtable with the participation of colleagues from the Kazakhstan Universities and the Bulgaria Republic on the topic: "Contemporary Clinical Psychology: Problems and Prospects", dedicated to the Family Day in Kazakhstan. The organizer of the roundtable was the Department of General and Applied Psychology.
The main objective of the roundtable was bring together Kazakhstan and Bulgaria researchers, scientists and university professors, practitioners in the field of clinical psychology and psychotherapy in order to develop clinical (medical) psychology in Kazakhstan, increased cooperation and opening two diploma Masters program in Clinical Psychology at the faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of the al-Farabi KazNU.
The roundtable was attended by over 40 people: representatives of different universities, community organizations and government agencies, scientific and practical centers of Kazakhstan and Bulgaria; experts - psychologists, social workers; participants in the educational project of the Family Court in the international collaboration with the Spanish Institute for Family Affairs of the University of Navarra, teachers and students of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science.
The roundtable began with the greeting of the first vice-rector of the al-Farabi KazNU M.M. Burkitbayev, who thanked our colleagues for coming from Bulgaria and a willingness to cooperate, and wished all the participants of the roundtable productive work and success in achieving their goals.
A welcoming speech dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, professor A.R. Massalimova. She congratulated all participants of scientific event with the upcoming holiday - the Day of family, emphasizing the important role of the family in maintaining the mental health of each individual and the nation as a whole. She expressed hope that the al-Farabi Kazakh National University will be the main university in the preparation of clinical (medical) psychologists for whole country.
Presentations were made by: 1) The Director of Mental Health and Development Institute, Professor at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria), Doctor of Psychology, Vanya Matanova; 2) Director of the Institute of Kazakhstan and Central Asian family, A.A. Bazarbayeva; 3) Head of the Department of communicative skills, the basics of psychotherapy, general and medical psychology KazNMU S.D. Asfendiyarov, d.med.s., Professor, M.A. Asimov; Associate Professor of the Center of communicative skills named after D. Draper KazNMU S.D. Asfendiyarov, c.med.s., F.A. Bagiyarova; 4) Head of psycho-social care in oncology service of Kazakhstan, member of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society E.R. Khusainova; 5) Associate Professor of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, polygraph and clinical psychologist, c.psychol.s., S.K. Kudaibergenova.
The results of the roundtable summarized the head of Department of General and Applied Psychology, d. psychol.s. professor Z.B. Madalieva.
The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
Organizer-Moderator: assosiate professor, Kabakova M.P.