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Research Management and Administration
“Research Management and Administration” workshop as part of the Newton – Al-Farabi Partnership Programme was held at KazNU in English language.
What are the features of a successful research project, why is the planning process is important, what is John Whitmore goal setting model, how to develop communication strategies with the stakeholders, what skills do you need to consider to build a research team, what is the design of administrative process and how to reach the cohesion in a team? These and other questions were answered at the “Research Management and Administration” Workshop. The training was conducted by UK experts – Dr Amos Fatokun and Mrs Tara Mitchell.
On the 20 and 21 September 15 representatives of universities, research institutes and businesses of Almaty and Almaty region participated in the training. The training was attended by faculty and staff of KazNU, KazNITU, KIMEP, Suleiman Demirel University, Almaty University of Power Engineering & Telecommunications, Kazakh Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, SMEs etc.
The Professional Development and Engagement strand of the Newton – Al-Farabi Partnership Programme aims to support the development of the research environment in Kazakhstan and enable optimal impact from research.
Mr Makhambet Kuspangaliev of the Kazakh National Research Technical University said: "This training provided a unique opportunity for Kazakhstani scientists who deal with the management and administration of research projects to improve skills in the organization and management of scientific research in accordance with the principles of project management. Project management skills are essential for successful research. Participants of this interactive training learned different tools and case studies that will help us to confidently design and conduct research, and to promote successful research projects. We learned how to build a cohesive research team, how to deal effectively with emerging conflicts, how to use the necessary processes for managing the research work, how to apply time management and leadership skills in carrying out research projects at a high professional level. Many thanks to the British Council and the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University for organizing such a useful and relevant training ".
The workshop was organized and carried out by the Center for Professional Development and Engagement of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University within the framework of UK-Kazakhstan Newton – Al-Farabi Partnership Programme.
Dilyara Woodward