

On 19.09.2016y under the leadership of Samal Amirgalyeva, the adviser of students of the fourth course of Kazakh National University named after Al-farabi, learning "self-knowledge and social Pedagogy", was conducted an open-lesson in three languages, which supporting politics of president of Kazakhstan. After congratulations for leadings of open-lesson - Aitbekova Zhansaya,Mahatay Ayzhan, Alimzhanova Zhanar, invited guests and students sang the national anthem.

After speech in three languages of leadings, Omirkulova Aygerim performed the song "Kazakh Elim" and made a good impression to the audience. Mahatay Ayzhan, Sabralyeva Binura, Aitbekova Zhansaya telled poem in Kazakh, Russian and English, and participated in a special game to proove their knowledge how well they know their speciality, also Turgynova Moldir and Safidullayeva Gulim arranged competition. Students choir sang the song "Zhasa Kazakhstan".Rakhmatulla Zhamilya and Otebayeva Alina, telled and discussed about politics of President of our government N.A.Nazarbayev, also they discussed how well it is going. Students of fourth course - Kuttybek Araylym, Rakhmatulla Zhamilya, Otebayeva Alina, Myshan Zhuldyz, Isakozha Balgyn, Kalybek Ayazhan, Batrbek Elmira, Adilkhan Dina and Aripbay Azamat contributed to organize this event, helped to decorate the hall and made a presentation. Invited guests Moldasan.K. and Makhambetova.Zh., educators telled their point of view.


Философия және саясаттану факультеті

                                                        Педагогика және білім беру менеджменті

                                                                     кафедрасының аға оқытушысы Рамазанова С.