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Agreement in action
The scientific and educational international relations of Department of the Far East with the leading world universities on a regular basis allows teachers to improve their skills, to take training courses and participate in lectures, seminars, master classes conducted by foreign organizations.
One of the forms of cooperation and experience exchange with foreign universities is internship of teachers from our Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The most important result of the partnership is an increase of awareness of our university abroad and attraction to foreign students.
Recently the popular South Korean government newspaper Gyeongi Sinmun as well as the official site of Ewha Womans University (Seoul, South Korea) has published the article of Head of Department of the Far East Yem Nataliya on the results of internship abroad.
The article points to the high achievements and success of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, to it’s competitive advantages, the history of formation and development of Korean studies at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, to the activities of the faculty members and to the words of gratitude of Head of the Far East department about many years of friendship and close cooperation with leading universities of South Korea.
“As a representative of ethnic Koreans in Kazakhstan, I am with other 33 teachers of Korean Studies from the CIS countries came by the program of the International Foundation for Overseas Koreans to Ewha Womans University. The program is designed for the teaching staff of universities of the CIS countries. During the whole time we were on the center of attention of the organizers. The rich program content allowed us to throw ourselves into the study of Korean language, history, politics, economy and culture of modern South Korea. I was inspired by a high level of professionalism of teachers representing universities from all over the world. The mastering information systems in teaching Korean language, game forms and methods of teaching, methodical bases of construction of a lesson, as well as the opportunity to experience the traditional music culture was professionally provided to us. My particular impression was about the simplicity and practicality in the application of teaching methods of professors from Ehwa University Language Centre “says the article of Yem Nataliya.
It should be noted that the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has academic communication with the Ewha Womans University more than 10 years. The new stage of cooperation is the organization and conduction of summer programs, publication of joint academic tutorials, and in 2017 with the support of the Korea Foundation the educational materials from Language Centers of the partner universities will be transferred to the library of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. It is encouraging that the communications on the preparation and implementation of joint research projects with the professorial staff of the Ewha Womans University are improving. The Department of the Far East is awaiting the arrival of delegations from foreign universities with the aim to expand the forms of cooperation in 2017.