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Word about Sh.Sh.Sarsembinov, - a person, scholar and teacher
Word about Sh.Sh.Sarsembinov, a person, scholar and teacher
On October 10-12, IV International scientific conference "Modern problems of condensed matter physics, nanotechnology and nanomaterials" within Sarsembinov’s readings took place at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The founders are the Research Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Open National Nanotechnology Laboratory and the Department of Solid State Physics and Nonlinear Physics.
Conference is a great opportunity to meet with participants, exchange views and discuss the results of scientific research. Students of Sarsembinov Sh.Sh., academician of NAS of RK, who is founder of the Kazakhstan school of physics of disordered structures, organize such an event every 3 years. Conference topics cover a wide range of issues of condensed matter physics: synthesis and study of nanomaterials, the evolution of the structure, phase composition and physico-mechanical properties, high-tech manufacturing on creating "green" silicon photovoltaics. The conference brought together leading research centers around the world.
Starting the readings, Askar Davletov, the chairman of the conference, Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, gave the word to Tolegen Kozhamkulov, academician of NAS of RK, who spoke about the friendship with Shamshi Sarsembinov, the famous physicist, academician of NAS of RK, and his contribution to national science. "We are classmates. We were inseparable in all endeavors. The life of Shamshi, his irrepressible desire could be called typical for talented youth of those years, who came to science. His outstanding personal qualities enhanced by the rare gift of God which he had made his way a unique, bright, and his mission holy. "
Zulkair Mansurov, Academician, Director of the Institute of Combustion Problems told that Professor Sarsembinov, Sh.Sh. founded a new research direction: the regulation of the electronic properties of semiconductors with a non-crystalline structure and developed together with his students the physical basis of the modification of non-crystalline semiconductors. On his initiative and under his leadership, in 1995, the department has developed the first program in the country for preparation of masters on specialty "Physics". The same year the department in conjunction with the Department of Theoretical Physics and Space Physics began training masters in this specialty, they were first in the country.
In his speech, B.N. Mukashev, academician of NAS of RK noted that the range of scientific interests of Sh. Sarsembinov was unusually wide, clearly demonstrating and reflecting his favorite thesis: "Structure determines properties." The results of his research, new ideas and scientific approaches have had a significant impact on the development of a number of sections of modern materials science and nanotechnology. They stimulated the studies of many local and foreign physicists and, in particular, of a powerful scientific school created by Sh.Sh. Sarsembinov. His monographs, review papers at international conferences have played an important role in the development of research in new directions not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad.
T.A.Kuketaev, Professor of Karaganda University, noted that fantastic performance and selfless devotion to the work were exceptional features of Shamshi Sharipovich. He stood out among all with such features as the breadth of interests and professional enthusiasm. "We cannot forget our many hours of discussions about the importance of solid state physics to explain the unique properties of nanomaterials."
It should be noted that the organization of the readings took place largely through the efforts of his students. One of them is Yerzhan Syrgaliev, Rector of Almaty University of Energy and Communications, and he told that the mentor believed in youth and has always supported the idea of talent. Once a scientist appointed him as dean of students at faculty of physics and technology at KNU, and then advised him the direction in which he realized his potential. "This moment was the start in life for me. All those who worked under his supervision are immensely grateful to Shamshi Sharipovich for his work and attention ", - said Yerzhan Syrgaliev.
Memories of friends, colleagues and students of Shamshi Sharipovich are organically combined with scientific reports. Professor A.I. Kupchyshyn talking about solving of equations of cascaded probabilistic process noted that he often discussed ideas of the method with Sh. Sarsembinov and found his faultless and friendly support. "Shamshi Sharipovich is my student friend as Tolegen Abdisagievich. In 1973 all three of us have defended the thesis for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. Shamshi was specialized in Solid State Physics, Tolegen was specialized in theoretical physics, and I was specialized on nuclear physics and cosmic rays. Many were jealous to us. For our serious friendship we were jokingly called the "Three Musketeers" and we were always very proud of it. Several lines of the most beloved poem, which I have devoted to our friendship, I would like to tell:
Любой из нас калач, конечно ж тертый,
Легкоатлет кто, кто борец, кто любит бокс.
Три доктора, профессора, три мушкетера
Идут по жизни этой рядом бок о бок.
Прошли научный путь свой, спорт, учебу, службу,
Достигли все вершин, прекрасен наш союз.
Живой пример для всех надежности и дружбы,
Труда и верности, пред Богом в том клянусь!»
(Any of us is very experienced
Who is athlete, who is wrestler, who likes a boxing
Three doctors, professors, three musketeers
Going in the life side by side.
Went their own scientific way, sport, studies, military service,
All achieved peaks, our union is perfect.
For all a living example of security and friendship,
Work and faithfulness, in front of God I swear!)
The reports of scientists N. Sakhnenko, Academician, (Kharkiv), Professor A. Sherchenkov (Moscow), K. Shunkeev (Aktobe), S. Kumekov and Z. Zhanabayev (Almaty) triggered the keen interest and heated debate.
In memory of academician, publishing office of KazNU published the book "Sarsembinov Shamshi Sharipovich" in "Onegeli omir" series. Copies of the book were presented to the members of the committees of the United States (Center for Nanophase Research and Petro Beam Inc company), Canada (University of Toronto), Germany (Institute of Materials), Egypt (National Research Centre) and to leading laboratories in Spain, Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan.
Anvar Ushurov
M.Dosmailov, Senior Lecturer