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Evolution of the conceptual foundations and practices of multi-vector foreign policy of Kazakhstan
The faculty of international relations, Institute of problems of security and cooperation, Resource center of the American democratic studies, and Resource and information center on NATO of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on October 21, 2016 held an international scientific-practical conference “Evolution of the conceptual foundations and practices of multi-vector foreign policy of Kazakhstan”, devoted to the 25-anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The conference was attended by scientists, professors from the USA, the UK and France, representatives of the MFA of the RK, professors of the diplomatic corps.
During the conference, it was noted that since the proclamation of sovereignty Kazakhstan demonstrates peaceful orientation of its international course. Receiving recognition from the international community Kazakhstan demonstrates important foreign policy initiatives. Along with this, Kazakhstan sought to establish and strengthen relations with the leading countries of the world, participate in international political, military and economic organizations for the needs of the development.
At the conference there were discussed the broad achievements of foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the years of independence, analysis of the evolution of the conceptual foundations of multi-vector foreign policy, discussion of prospects of development of its main directions, as well as modern security threats in Central Asia.
Counselor of the delegation of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Almaty Zhakenov D.T. welcoming the conference participants, in his speech, he revealed the role of external policy of Kazakhstan in strengthening peace and harmony in the world community, in sustainable development of the country.
Professor Kukeeva F.T. in her speech noted that “multi-vector policy of the Kazakhstan has meant and means a certain diplomatic style, the best method of conducting foreign policy by which most fully implemented the national interests, formulated by the ruling elite”. In the foreign policy concept of Kazakhstan 2014-2020, the principle of multi-vector, remaining as the basis of Kazakhstan's foreign policy is leaning towards balance, pragmatism, mutual benefit, and solid defense of its national interests. The analysis suggests that a multi-vector foreign policy is not a static construct. Today we are talking about the evolution of its conceptual framework and the modernization of its practices.
In the speech of the Professor at the University of Le Havre – Shabal P. the role of Kazakhstan in the regional context was analyzed, namely that our country is the regional center of the axis of Russia – Kazakhstan – China.
The evolution of one of the most important strategic directions of bilateral cooperation between Kazakhstan and the USA was analyzed in the report of the Professor of the University of Scranton - Sh. Brennan (USA).
A number of debatable issues about the future development of multi-vector foreign policy of the Kazakhstan were raised in the speech of Dr. R. McDermott (UK).
The speech of the Professor Baizakova K.I. was devoted to the role of the Kazakhstan in ensuring global and regional security. On the basis of existing trends of the modern world and its own vision of contemporary problems of international security and disarmament, Kazakhstan purposefully and actively participates in all processes of construction of systems of security and disarmament at all levels of international and regional cooperation. New geopolitical realities that affect the security of the RK testify to the expansion of the range of possibilities and at the same time the complication of the political space along the borders of Kazakhstan.
Analyzing the participation of Kazakhstan in strengthening international security, Professor Baizakova K. I. proves that Kazakhstan has made a real and constructive contribution to strengthening regional and global security, recognized by the UN and the world community. The election of Kazakhstan to the number of non-permanent members of the UN Security Council for 2017-2018 years will contribute to the global agenda of international security.
Thus, during the conference, local and foreign experts exchanged views on a wide range of issues of Kazakhstan's foreign policy.