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A. Spitsyn ” An outstanding role of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev in ensuring stability at present time”
A. Spitsyn ” An outstanding role of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev in ensuring stability at present time”
Problems of the new industrialization and modernization of the economy
Director of the Institute of Strategic Studies of the EAEC, the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Spitcin Anatoly T. gave a lecture for scientists, professors, doctoral students and undergraduates of Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi.
The professor spoke about the conditions for creating innovative economic development model, creative leadership and the outstanding role of President Nursultan Nazarbayev in ensuring stability at the present stage of economic globalization, the reduction of inequality and the eradication of poverty.
A.T. Spitcin stressed that Kazakhstan takes the 25th year of its independence facing a fierce turbulence of the world economy and repeated crises, but the country has accumulated positive experience of the transition to an efficient development of a viable model. According to Professor of the practical implementation of the strategy “Kazakhstan – 2030″, launched by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, who has identified an opportunity to move to the Strategy “Kazakhstan – 2050″, the program “Nurly Zhol” and Kazakhstan’s movement into the future. The country has implemented a program of accelerated industrial-innovative development and a social modernization of society. Five institutional reforms and nation plan “100 concrete steps” indicated by the Head of State, intended to provide in-depth and qualitative changes aimed at a major strategic goal of the century – place among the 30 developed countries.
“President of the country determined the main priorities of the global energy and ecological sustainable development institutions and mechanisms for their implementation. These issues were discussed at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio +20 and received full support for the UN program “Energy for all”, – said professor of Kazakh National University after Al-Farabi Anatoly Spitcin.
The initiatives of Nursultan Nazarbayev, his “audacity responsibility” are relevant for the radical renewal of the world economy and organically woven into the fabric of theoretical analysis, aimed at developing creativeness and responsiveness to the interests of nations and peoples of the global strategies of post-crisis development in the context of deepening interstate integration into the CIS space.
“Today, the Eurasian Economic Union is seen as the core of the future integration of the Eurasian civilization, as a field, open not only for the countries of the Eurasian continent, but also for the whole world”, – said Spitsyn A.T. about the way of the practical implementation of the strategy of the President of the Eurasian Kazahstan. According to the expert, the consolidation of the financial capacity of major players in the industry segments extends the innovative and investment potential alliances, promotes a coordinated industrial policy.
Formed by Nursultan Nazarbayev, a new model of the XXI-st century world order based on the G-Global is parity, transparent and participatory approach to the solution of global problems of the economy and the financial system.
At the end of the lecture, Professor Spitcin noted that due to the far-sighted policy of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan shows an example of the stability of the country and has earned the reputation of competitive state, as evidenced by timely and effective response to the new global challenges and risks of the XXI century.