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Role of UN in modern world and problems of sustainable development
Role of UN in modern world and problems of sustainable development
United Centre Regional Centre for Assistance at the Faculty of International Relations of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, which is a global hub on sustainable development of initiative of the United Nations Organization “Academic Impact” hold a round table “Role of UN in modern world and problems of sustainable development” dedicated to 71st anniversary of the UN. October 24 is celebrated as the day of the United Nations Organization from 1948. In 1971, General Assembly in its resolution recommended participant-countries to celebrate this day as National holiday.
The main goal of the conference was to focus the attention of Youth on the importance of the United Nations Organization as the only universal organization in today’s global community; deepening and popularizing the knowledge on activity of the UN organization in the context of Sustainable Development. Also, there was shown the presentation on the activity of UN Regional Assistance Centre about the achievements on the Goals of Sustainable Development.
Representatives of the UN organization, academias, professors and students were invited to participate in the work of round table. Mr. Vlastimil Samek, the representative of the UN department of Public Information, ms. Zarina Nurmukhambetova, representative of the office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, and mr. Alen Kuspanov. Also, the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, mr. Shakirov Karimzhan Nurumovich and Associate Dean on Research and Innovation Activities, ms. Leila Delovarova participated on the round table. The work of Round Table was meaningful. After the presentation on the work of Sustainable Development Goals in Kazakhstan, students had an opportunity to express their opinions on the implementation of goals and also to ask questions on the activity of the UN in Kazakhstan