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World Philosophy Day!
November the 17th - World Philosophy Day!
World Philosophy Day celebration was initiated due to the UNESCO resolution on every third Thursday of November since 2002. World Philosophy Day is a day of debates and dialog, as well as it is an opportunity to express ones point of view, to listen and understand the others, to establish an intellectual partnership for sake of responding challenges and problems of the modern world.
Within the World Philosophy Day celebration, since 2003, the Department of Philosophy and Political Science organizes conferences, round tables, discussions and student presentations. Thus, in the current year, on November the 17, the collective of the Department organized and dedicated to the 85 anniversary of the member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan philosophy doctor professor A.Ch. Kasymzhanov a round table «Philosophy as a Profession and a Mission», a philosophical salon and a students fest «The Mission of Philosopher», a parade of musicales and documentaries about philosophers, for the philosophy master students. On the 24 November, the international scientific conference «Philosophical School of the Al-Farabi KazNU - VII Kasymzhanov readings» - dedicated to the anniversaries of A.Ch. Kasymzhanov, Y.Y. Lifanov, M.S. Orynbekov and A.Zh. Kelbuganov” takes place.
It is necessary to note that the UNESCO philosophy’s global purposes and mission are to serve as a laboratory for ideas and a catalyst for the international cooperation in pursuing valuable research and knowledge, and to revive appreciation of knowledge. All these principles are shared and followed by the KazNU philosophical school as well as by the professional association of philosophers of Kazakhstan, the Philosophical Congress established in 2013.
According to the President of the Congress, the director of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religion Studies of the Ministry’s of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Scientific Committee Shaukenova Z.K. «the formation of a worldview and values orientations of the country demands new advancing philosophical researches and constructive solutions». Along with this task, the scientists of the Department participated in the II Congress «Philosophy of Kazakhstan in the space of the world philosophical thought: history, present and perspectives», which was dedicated to the 25 anniversary of the State Independence.
High achievements of the contemporary Kazakhstani philosophy were given global appreciation, when, in 2016, the Congress was accepted into the International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP). «Philosophy plays a significant part in the global development as an indicator of unity, which gives an opportunity to combine all forces and efforts all over the world, and as a channel for a value consciousness producing», the Secretary-General of the FISP, Luca Maria Scarantino, notes.
The Chair of Philosophy congratulates all philosophers in our country and in the world with World Philosophy Day! We wish you prosperity, well-being, creative insights and discoveries! Happy celebration dear colleagues and friends!
Galiya Myamyesheva,
docent at the Chair of Philosophy