In the dormitory №14,the evening of patriotic poetry was held on the theme: "Tugan zherge zhyr arnaydy akyndar!" ("Poets sing of their homeland").
The evening organized by the senior lecturer of the of diplomatic translation department, Zubaira Abidin and the Student Council (Chairman BauyrzhanTomiris). It was timed to 25th anniversary of Independence of our country. The teacher opened the evening with M.Zhumabayev’s masterpiece "Suyemіn" ("I love") dedicated to mother land and its people. Future diplomats read with great inspiration the works of Kazakh classic poets as M.Zhumabaev, A.Tazhibaev, M.Makataev, Zh.Moldagaliev and T.Moldagaliev. Students Zhuldyz Kairzhan ("Ana tilim") and Lyazzat Zhumanbaeva ("Kazakh halkyma") performed poems of their own, friends applauded and wished them further success.
The audience also gratefully cheered to Afghanistani student Naqibullah Bekzat, who read very expressive and touching poem in Kazakh, also was liked the talent of 2ndcourse student Bagdauletkyzy Sagynysh, who performed N.Tlendiev’skui "Al-kissa". Students pleased the host of the evening - Abzhapparov Ardak.
The evening was concluded with wonderful lines:
"... Zher Ana syndy galamda,
Tugan zher zhalgyz adamda!"