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"Newton - Al-Farabi" classes at KazNU
The workshop on "Presenting with Impact" and "Academic Writing" took place at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The workshop was conducted by the Center for professional development and engagement in Almaty which was established as a partnership project between the university and the British Council in the framework of the intergovernmental UK-Kazakhstan "Newton - Al-Farabi" programme.
The purpose of this training is to develop practical skills of researchers for the preparation of presentations for conferences and writing articles for the impact journals in English.
The seminar was attended by the researchers from leading organizations and universities in Almaty as the Gylym Ordasy, Almaty Technological University, K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University, Suleyman Demirel University, Civil Aviation Academy and Almaty University of Energy and Communications.
The seminar was conducted by local trainers certified by the British Council - Woodward D.B. and Narymbetova K.A.
Dr. Sengirbay M., Head of the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Suleyman Demirel, who received the prestigious scholarship of the University of Aberdeen in Scotland in 2015 in Social Sciences, and became the first citizen of Kazakhstan awarded this scholarship, said: "The workshop at KazNU was conducted at high international level. Kazakhstan scientists and researchers have many opportunities to improve their professional level and establish international partnerships. Believe in yourself and to use all the opportunities available."
The seminar was organized by the Center for Professional Development and Engagement of Kazakh National University and the Faculty of Geography and Nature Use, Planning and Cadastre of the Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences.
Dilyara Woodward,
Center for Professional Development
And Engagement KazNU