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To the 25 anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - has been an Alma Mater of diplomats since the Republic of Kazakhstan gained its independence. On the 2nd of December the faculty of International Relations held a meeting of two famous kazakhstani diplomats with the student audience and invited guests. Within the meeting named "Diplomacy of the Republic of Kazakhstan on service of sovereign Kazakhstan" Dzhamburshin Alim Shakirovich - the ex-adviser of Embassy of the USSR in Canada, the ambassador of Kazakhstan in the USA from 1992 to 1994, and Isagaliyev Kairat Isagaliyevich - the graduate of Diplomatic academy of the USSR, participated in formation the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of independent Kazakhstan shared the reminiscence about formation of the kazakhstani diplomacy in the first years of independence, talked about difficulties during the first years of independence and about a course of foreign policy of RK, the view of further development of diplomatic service with guests and also gave a practical advice for future experts in the field of international relations studying at faculty.
The welcoming speech was made by the Dean of the faculty of International Relations Shakirov K. N. who noted the importance of such meetings for students with the grandees of the kazakhstani diplomacy. In his speech Isagaliyev K. I. emphasized that the training of high quality experts requires knowledge not of one, but already of two and more languages. He advised the students to study rare languages in this case, future diplomat will be highly demanded in the professional field. During the speech Dzhamburshin Alim Shakirovich talked about his experience in the Embassy of the USSR in Canada, a collapse of the USSR, and also about his activity as the first ambassador of Kazakhstan in the USA in 1992-1994 he explained different features of observance of the diplomatic protocol in different countries. In conclusion diplomats answered questions of the audience. Students were interested in different questions: from hypothetical preservation of nuclear weapon by Kazakhstan in the first years of independence, a gender factor at reception on diplomatic service to a role of the personality in the establishment of diplomatic communications. The meeting was very interesting both for diplomats and audience. Students and the invited guests had an opportunity to talk to diplomats not only about their professional activity, but also to recognize them from human aspect.
Teachers of department of IR and WE professor. Gubaidulina M. Sh., the professor. Movkebayeva G. A., associate professor Idrysheva Zh.K. and also 2nd course Master students Starkova A. and Darkembayeva M. acted as organizers of the event.