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Translation theory and practice of modern teaching methodology
Master-class of "Translation theory and practice of modern teaching methodology" course on the topic "Translation features of Advertising texts" was held. The event was attended by more than forty teachers from all over the country. In particular, the director of the Confucius Institute at Gumilyov Eurasian National University Ph.D., associate professor Koshanova SE, the director of the Confucius Institute at Karagandy National Technological University, Ph.D, associate professor Filippov T.S., Associate Professor of the Kazakh language Department Kurmanova A.K., National University named after Sh.Ualikhanov, Philology faculty, Şağırbaeva B.K.. Beside the mentioned universities, this master-class was attended by the staff of the Chinese Studies Department of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Ablay Khan, Chinese language teachers of the Almaty National University named after Abay, teachers of the Chinese language center of the Kazakh Economic University, English and Chinese languages teachers of the Kazakh University of Humanities and named after D. Konaev, teachers of the Zhurgenov Academy of Arts, teachers of the Academy of Kazakh Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, English teachers of the Almaty College of Transport and Trucks.
In this master-class Kenzhebayeva A.A. spoked to the 1st course masters of "Translation studies" on necessity of constantly enriching vocabulary of an interpreter, the need of memory training, the need of exercising translator’s quick reaction. In short period of time sequence of tasks to exercise translation skills to transfer and filter information were conducted. Also, collocations in advertising texts were determined, were showed the proper ways of translation of linguacultural units that occurs in advertising texts, by analyzing of their cultural features, the criteria of advertisement text translation were introduced.
In the master-class "Translation theory and practice of modern training methodology" Kenzhebayeva A.A. discussed and shared with linguists who participated the special and impressive techniques that were used in the study. During the lesson brainstorming, case studies, translation competence-oriented teaching methods in the theory and practice of translation and other innovative methods and technologies were used rationally.
At the end of the master-class the experts of the fundamental institutions of our country shared their views on the lessons and highly praised the work of the Kenzhebayeva A.A. They mentioned the need exchanging of experience and the need of conducting this kind of master-classes.