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Triumphal ark “Мәңгілік ел” is ideal and slogan of KazNU
At the beginning of the new semester, there was another really significant event after the founding of the Kazakh National University in 1934. This is the opening ceremony of the Triumphal ark of graduates “Мәңгілік ел”, which became a kind of "pagoda of science" opens the doors of the University.
The meaning of the name «Мәңгілік ел» in my mind is representation of the people to who live, build and create the history of present and future. These words have been mentioned in the New Year speech of President Nursultan Nazarbayev about idea of «Мәңгілік ел», they embody harmony of multinational Kazakhstan and reflect the pride and identity of the new independent nation.
The opening ceremony was held in one autumn evening. In Almaty is one of the most wonderful times of the year. Participating in the event were the guests of honor: Akim of Almaty Baurzhan Baibek, Rio Olympic champion Dmitriy Balandin, members of the Presidium of the Association of graduates, the executive secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan Kuatzhan Ualiev Kazakhstan and other public figures, among them the poet Olzhas Suleimenov and media representatives.
Congratulating on the opening of the Triumphal arc rector of KazNU Galym Mutanov said: "The idea of the construction of arches in KazGU- city was implemented thanks to the support and voluntary contributions of university’s graduates. Triumphal arc reflects a deep sense of patriotism, prosperity and the strengthening of the country's independence. It was erected in honor of the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence, the 1000th anniversary of Almaty and the highest international achievements of KazNU. "
Rector Galym Mutanov is a reformer who is building a world-class university. After the adoption of the Decree of the erect the installation «Мәңгілік Ел», the building was completed within one and a half to two months! Working in the selection committee in summer, I have personally witnessed a rapid and well coordinated work of management.
OlzhasSuleimenov shared his impression: "I congratulate you on this wonderful architectural work and admire the beauty of the Triumphal arch that adorns the facade of the KazNU. I think these golden gates lead young people into the world of knowledge. "
The speech, which citizens waited was primarily from the mayor. "Almaty is gold cradle of our independence. It is a city in which was made an important state decisions that determined the vector of successful development of the country. ‘City of Apples’ created for enabling each person's life, and is a city of youth and energy innovation. Kazakh National University of Al-Farabi has a special place in development, because every third student in our city is trained this university. They with President Nursultan Nazarbayev take part in building a strong creative Kazakhstan. Triumphal arc is the 33rd on the account object that we are now illuminated at night city. This day will go down in history and we are proud of the success of graduates ", - said Baurzhan Baidibek.
Baurzhan Baibek was appointed to Akim of Almaty in 2015 at the age of 30 years. The man, inclined to reform, which has great ambition and determination. After Baurzhan Baibek became mayor of the city, it is upgrading the city on the transformation of roads, houses and buildings. Also, actively supports students and graduate scholarship programs and is making every effort in the training of future young professionals.
Today Kazakh National University of Al-Farabi has a 80-year history and is the leading university and the cradle of science and knowledge in Kazakhstan. After his appointment Galym Mutanov as rector in 2011, the KazNU continuously integrated into the processes of globalization. Currently, in the university has 15 faculties, including the Faculty of Medicine, founded in 2016 and the Faculty of Oriental Studies, which included works department of Korean studies at the Department of the Far East.
Along with the popularity of Korean TV series and music, now the Korean Wave covers medicine. Korean organizations are gradually being introduced in the medical field in Kazakhstan, providing high-quality services in this area. Following this trend, the faculty of medicine of KazNU supports the continuous exchange with the best medical centers in South Korea. In the framework of cooperation on campus operates a diagnostic center.
As a result of the reform and optimization of the university in the ranking of world universities QS rose from 275 to 236 place! In this achievement has made a significant contribution the Department of Korean Studies of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Far East. At the moment, in the department is working 20 people, study 110 undergraduate and nine postgraduate students and doctoral. Department of of the Far East, Department of Korean Studies is in close relations with foreign universities. Many of them sponsor educational programs and scholarships KazNU. In addition Department of Korean Studies constantly held various kinds events throughout the school year, stimulating the interest of students to Korean Studies.
President of The Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev emphasizes: "To become a developed competitive state, we have to be highly educated nation." I guess that Kazakhstan's future will be bright, because Kazakhstan, as well as Korea, directs all efforts and investments not only in the development of the economic sphere, but also education. Educated people always and everywhere be able to cope with the conditions of the modern world.
Triumphal ark of the Kazakh National University of Al-Farabi was not only a sign of the university, but also one of the main architectural symbols of Almaty city. I believe that the ideal and the slogan «Мәңгілік Ел»personified by Triumphal arc will lead to the development of the state and keep the unity of the people of Kazakhstan.
Lee Byong Jo,
Invited professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National university