The teachers and students of the Department of International Relations have been held an event on the topic "Music unites the World" which was devoted to Sara Nazarbayeva, the First Lady of Kazahstan.
Since February 1992 Sara Alpysovna Nazarbayeva is a founder and president of the International children's charity fund "Bobek" ("The Kid"). Today "Bobek" is the most active charity fund of the republic, which was recognized not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. Since July 1994 Sara Alpysovna is the President of the Foundation, "the SOS - Children's Villages Kazakhstan" (Branch "Kinderdorf International" Austrian Fund). Also she is the author of a new educational project for the revival of moral and spiritual values, which is called "Self-knowledge". The main aim of this project is to revive human values and to teach children to live in harmony with itself and with the world.
The Hall of dormitory №14 was beautifully decorated with balloons and flowers, which were made by the 2nd year students of Regional Studies department. Amirzadanova Zhanerke and Abdikamal Azat were conducted the whole concert. There was a presentation which was dedicated to Sara Alpysovna Nazarbayeva' activity and contribution. Sagynysh Bagdauletkyzy played a beautifull kui on dombra. The English, Russian and Kazakh songs were performed by Bagdad Lesbayeva and Saya Shakyrgan.
Zhuldyz Kaipzhan and Svetlana Zhalgasova read a poem composed by themselves. Also there were interested games, in which took part the viewers of concert. At the end of the concert the song «Song and singers» were performed by the students choir.
Organization: Bimagambetova ZH.T, Baitukayeva A.SH., Murtaza A.SH.