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Test access to resources of Royal chemical society is open (Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC)
Al-Farabi library is glad to report to you that test access to resources of Royal chemical society is open (Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC).
Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC (Royal chemical society) - scientific community (professional association) of the United Kingdom which purpose is development of chemical science.
Society represents professional association of the British chemists and has the right to award the status of "Chartered Chemist" (CChem, the chemist who has received the royal diploma). Besides, according to the decision of the Academic council Society can hand to the candidates having sufficient qualification, the following diplomas: "Chartered Scientist" (CSci, scientific with the royal diploma), "Registered Scientist" (certified specialist) and "Registered Science Technician" (the diplomaed scientific and technical expert). The abbreviation of FRSC designates group of the chosen scholars of Society who have made the significant contribution to development of chemistry. Names of scholars are annually published in the London newspaper "Times". Become honourable scholars of Society (HonFRSC) for outstanding achievements in the field of chemistry.
Society consists of five departments and four forums divided thematically and also of local offices, both in the United Kingdom, and beyond his limits. Departments and forums cover the wide fields of chemistry, but at the same time comprise the numerous special groups dealing with narrower issues.
Publishing house of Society is not-profit: all profit on publications invests in development of chemical science. Except the scientific periodical press, including hosts of magazines of Society Chemical Communications, Chemical Science and Chemical Society Reviews, Society also publishes:
• Education in Chemistry for teachers;
• The free online magazine for teachers of chemistry of Chemistry Education Research and Practice;
• The general magazine Chemistry World which is monthly distributed to all members of Society worldwide. The editorial board of the magazine consists of 10 experts in the field of the theory and the industry. The magazine for the first time appeared in 2004, having replaced the Chemistry in Britain magazine issued since 1965. News, articles on the general chemical questions, for example, the devoted stories of chemistry and to technological developments, the review of books and letters from readers are published in the edition.
Reference to a resource: http://www.rsc.org
Access to the database is possible only from computers of university.
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