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KazNU scientists developed highly efficient medicinal preparation –ointment “Limonidin”.
KazNU scientists developed highly efficient medicinal preparation –ointment “Limonidin”.
An active ingredient of this unique preparation is the plant substance “Limonidin” derived from the roots of Limonium gmelinii species plants widely distributed in Kazakhstani flora and introduced into the State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Substance is a curative complex of biologically active compounds endorsing its antimutagenic and hepatoprotective activity and stimulating anabolic processes in the body. The results of the studies conducted at the Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan showed that the substance “Limonidin” has significant antiviral activity and a higher level of suppression of the multiplication of influenza and parainfluenza viruses in comparison with the preparations Amphotericin B, Oxolin ointment and Ribavirin.
The plant substance contains the most effective natural antioxidants in the world in the form of polyphenolic compounds, vitamins (C and E), trace elements, as well as the full spectrum of natural α-amino acids and the most important polyunsaturated (polyenic) higher carboxylic acids.
Clinical studies of the ointment “Limonidin” were conducted at the Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the scientific and practical center of dermatovenereology and cosmetology by Prof. Z.B. Kesheleva, at the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of S.D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU. Ointment “Limonidin” promotes rapid cleansing of infected wounds of the skin and mucous membranes; is indicated for use on herpes, cracks in the nipples of the mammary gland, divergence of the perineum seams, erosive-ulcerative and ulcerative-necrotic processes on the oral mucosa, inflammatory and inflammatory-destructive diseases of the paradontum. New original highly efficient ointment “Limonidin” due to its antiexudative effect stops the inflammatory process and accelerates the regeneration of lesions, has no general and local toxic effect, improves the immune status of the organism.
Substance and ointment “Limonidin” are registered and recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for use in medical practice, they are introduced into the State Register of medicines permitted for use on the territory of Kazakhstan. Their industrial production was carried out at JSC “Chempharm”. Soon, the original ointment “Limonidin” will be available at the drug stores in Almaty.
It should be noted that the task of increasing the share of domestic medicines is identified as one of the top priorities of the country's economic development. The advantage of herbal medicines is their soft effect on the body and the complexity of their therapeutic effect in the absence of toxicity, cumulative effect, allergic reactions and habituation, which is especially important in cases requiring long-term treatment. The compatibility of herbal medicines with the physiological antioxidant systems of the body, by virtue of their similarity, is able to purposefully induce and mobilize its protective resources, which in practice realizes the principle of “treating the body, not the disease.”
Dr. Galiya Е. Zhussupova,
Professor of Bioorganic Chemistry