Online conference with Iranian scientists
On April 12, an online conference "Globalization of Kazakhstan-Iran Relations: Cultural and Spiritual ties" was held by the Department of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University jointly with the Humanities Faculty of the Tarbiat-e modarres University of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Director of the Humanitarian Research Institute, Professor Hosseinali Gobadi, made a report on "The Iranian epic: wise reasoning and the world concept" theme, and Dr. Ibrahim Hodayar delivered a report on "Cultural and spiritual ties of Kazakhstan and Iran in the era of sovereignty: on the example of conformity with common and historical truths". The head of the cultural representation of the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran Seid Jalali, doctor of the University Shahid Beheshti Amir Chenari, as well as students and teachers of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University attended the online conference.
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