
lecture on oriental medicine provided


Medical Foundation “Chong-Yon” held a special lecture on Korean medicine for students of the Far East Department

On April 26th, 2017 at the Department of Korean Studies of the Far East Department, the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a special lecture on oriental medicine provided by Medical Foundation "Chong-Yong". "Chong-Yon" is one of the leading clinics of oriental medicine and was chosen by the Ministry of Health and the Government of the Republic of Korea to inform and introduce Kazakhstan people with Korean Oriental medicine.This lecture was read by the director and doctor of the Eastern Medicine Clinic at the Medical Foundation «Chong-Yon» Kwon Ming Gu. The purpose of this special lecture is to promote and introduce the methods of Eastern and Western medicine, terms and techniques of treatment. Not only students, but also teachers of the department of Korean studies took a part in the lecture. The lecture was paid great attention by many participants. This meeting will promote further cooperation of the Far East Department with the Chong-Yong Medical Foundation since at this stage the Medical Foundation plans to continue its activity in Kazakhstan.