UNAOC, KazNU launch new joint project. The project "Formation of a virtuous society citizens" will be implemented within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The aim of the project is to introduce the ideas of peace, goodness, and justice to the young generation. It is based on the great thinker of the East, Abu Nasyr ibn Al-Farabi's idea about a virtuous society. "The mission of modern universities is to achieve global educational goals through inculcating universal civilizational humanistic values to the future citizens. Regardless of national and religious affiliation, we must rise above strife and enmity, unite our efforts to achieve a better life, " said Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser during his speech at the KazNU. "Knowledge without character, without a moral principle, can do harm, not good" - today these words of al-Farabi are more relevant than ever. If along with professional competencies graduates will carry high humanistic values, the world will become better and safer, and as Al-Farabi used to say, virtuous," KazNU rector Galym Mutanov. The university conducts systemic work in terms of spiritual and moral education of youth. KazNU has developed and implements the 'Al-Farabi University smart city' model, based on a symbiosis of technological as well as spiritual and moral platforms. A clear guideline in this activity is the state program initiated by the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev on changing the public consciousness in the light of a new global reality.