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Information about the summer school of young archivists of the CIS countries
Information about the summer school of young archivists of the CIS countries
In the period from June 26 to June 30, 2017, the archives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi for the first time conducted a summer school for young archivists of the CIS countries. Only 48 students from the archives of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus and the regions of Kazakhstan, students of the specialty "Archival studies, documentation and documentation support" of KazNU arrived in the summer school. At the opening of the school there was the head of the general department of the Presidential Administration M.Kh. Zhakypov. The students were lectured by Professor of Russian State University, Doctor of History M.V.Larin, Director of the Humanities Archive of the RSUH, Candidate of Historical Sciences F.G. Taratorkin, director of the archives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor BA Dzhaparov, technical director of the company "Argentum. Kz »O.V.Lis, chief curator of the funds of the Central State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation G.N. Zarutskaya, archivist of the highest category of the Information and Document Use Department of the Center for Journalism and Cybernetics, candidate of historical sciences E.M.Gribanova, director of the company" Skymax trade "A. .Oshlakov, director of LLP KMBSP "Konica Minolta" I.Ovcharov, archivist of the archives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan V.M. Chuprov.
Lectures M.V. Larin on the topic "Managing electronic documents in office work and archives (world experience)", "Management of information and electronic government documents" were important for the work on the creation of electronic document management and electronic archives in state organizations under the state program "Electronic Government" and the project "Digital Kazakhstan" in the report of President N. Nazarbayev "The Way of the Future - Spiritual Revival". Lectures of FG Taratorkin "Archives and Politics in Russia in the Twentieth Century", "Archival Work in the Scientific Biography of Russian and Soviet Historians of the Twentieth Century" and the seminar "University Archive: Idea, Tasks and Perspectives" brought listeners to the idea.
Excursions and practical exercises were organized in the archives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, CGTAPD, CGA of Almaty. The summer school provided an opportunity for young archivists to discuss issues of document management, information management, document management, archival studies, electronic documents, information systems for document management support and archival business. The summer school not only issued certificates to students, but also combined special interest and professionalism, work and leisure, formed friends-minded people.