The teaching staff of the Department of Far East achieved significant results in the literary study of Korea, as well as literature of the Korean diaspora in the CIS. The following project was approved and funded by the Korean Academy of Korean Studies in 2017.
The project on the “Preparation of textbooks on Korean literature in Kazakhstan (including literature of the Korean diaspora in the CIS) and the training specialists in the field of literature” will be implemented within three years. The amount of financing is 117 thousand US dollars. As a result, a seven-volume edition of textbooks on Korean literature will be prepared, as well as training of three specialists in literary studies in the double degree program with partner universities - Busan University of Foreign Studies and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.
Congratulations to the project manager, Ph.D., Professor Safronov L.V., as well as visiting professor of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Lee Beung Jo.
The Academy of Korean Studies, founded in 1978, has achieved high results in the in-depth study and learning of Korean culture and history, the training of qualified specialists in this field and, as a consequence, it is known as the leading scientific organization not only in Korea but also abroad. The Academy's activities include various directions from research in the field of Korean culture, the humanities, and sociology to the preparation of researchers and professionals in the field of higher education through the collection, research, translation and publication of works of Korean classics, as well as the publication and dissemination of research results in the field of Korean studies.
Head of the Department of Far East