
International scientific-practical conference "The Institute of Presidency of the Republic of Kazakhstan: History and Modernity"


Today, April 22 in Almaty at the Reception House began two-day International Scientific and Practical Conference "The presidency of the Republic of Kazakhstan: History and Modernity", dedicated to the results of 20 years of the institute of presidency in Kazakhstan. The organizers of the conference are the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Majority of Almaty and the Al-Farabi Kazakh National university.

Chairman of the conference is Constitutional Council I. Rogov, a member of the Constitutional Council V.A. Malinowski, Major of Almaty Esimov, Deputies of Senate and Mazhilis Kuanysh Sultanov, Oralbay Abdikarimov, Kenjegali Sagadiev, Bijan Akhanov, Garifolla Yesim, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Gulshara Abdylalykova, the Rectors of the leading universities etc.

The largest delegation was represented by the Russian Federation. Among its members are Director of Special Projects of the Institute of National Strategy of Russia Yuriy Solozobov, Head of the sector of comparative execution of State and Law Institute (ISL RAS) Alexei Avtonomov.

On the opening of the conference, Chairman of the Constitutional Council Igor Rogov said:

"The main purpose of the forum, in our opinion, give a deep scientific analysis of the institute of presidency in its dynamics, to identify common patterns for all countries in the development of constitutionalism, to study Kazakh and international experience in order to develop methodological base for further improvement of the state mechanism".

Made a welcoming speech to the conference, the rector of the KazNU Bakytzhan Zhumagulov said:

“The presidency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in combination with an extensive personality is the Head of State, as mathematicians say, "a necessary and sufficient" condition for the intensive development of the country, strengthen its image in the world and successfully confront the negative factors and threats”.

At April 23, 2010 the conference will continue their work at the Al-Farabi KazNU.

On the second day at the discussion areas of scientific conference sections will be discussed the following topics: Economic Development: New Opportunities; Kazakhstan and the outside world: cooperation and security; Modernization of the political system: Theory and Practice; Science and Education in the context of globalization.

One of the key moments of this day will be the opening of the exhibition "20 years of presidency of the Republic of Kazakhstan: History and Modernity" (U.A. Dzholdasbekov Students Palace, 15.00 pm).

The conference is also expected to make a presentation of research articles and photo exhibition devoted to the Institution of the presidency, awarding winners of the student contest publications on the conference themes, honoring veterans of jurisprudence by memorable characters and gifts, the final press conference and a gala concert of student bands of Al-Farabi KazNU for conference participants.

Press Service of the KazNU