
Master students of Turksoy department in Istambul University


Cooperation between Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Istambul University is strengthening day after day. Last year Farabi center is opened in Istambul Uniersity as the result of bilateral agreement between the Universities. Its goal, firstly, common studies of Al-Farabi heritage, his ideas promotion  in the world level, secondly, strengthening cooperation between the two Universities. Master students of Turksoy department spent two-week probation in that center. Master students in specialty of “Turkology” and “Foreign philology” personally have been met with rector of Istambul University, Mr. Mahmut Ak, who introduced master students with history of University, with the ways of that University development and wished good luck to the young scientists in the development of science. Master students participated in the lectures and seminars of leading academicians which have been organized by director of Farabi center, professor Abdallah Kyzyljik and received more impetus for their research. Moreover, they got unique materials in its topic in the libraries of Turkey Syleymania and Bayazed.


Turksoy department