
Models of interethnic and interreligious harmony in modern Kazakhstan


In Kazakh National University was held scientific-methodical conference "Models of interethnic and interreligious harmony in modern Kazakhstan", devoted to the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. "

The conference was organized by: Almaty Religious Affairs Department, Public Foundation "Center for the Study of Terrorism and Extremism in the Republic of Kazakhstan", KazNU named after al-Farabi "Center for Religious Studies and Expertise".

The conference was held with the purpose of explaining the constitutional foundations of statehood, propaganda and clarification of secularism in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the formation of the spiritual morality of youth on the example of traditional religions and the formation of tolerant consciousness among the population. The conference was attended by scientists, representatives of ethno-cultural associations, representatives of traditional religions, theologians, experts in the field of religion, non-governmental organizations, representatives of state bodies and political parties, masters and doctoral students of Kazakhstan universities. The moderators of the conference were Professor Bishmanov K.M. and Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Department of Religious and Cultural Studies Kurmanaliyeva A.D. At the plenary session with a welcoming speech made by the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Aliya Massalimova, head of the Office for Religious Affairs of Almaty Aidar Essenbekov. The speakers noted that the solution of the tasks set should be based on further consolidation of the potential of civil society institutions within the framework of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including ethno-cultural, youth, public associations and religious organizations, authorities at all levels, as well as the implementation of state policy in the sphere of religion, the formation of general civil identity, the organization of interdepartmental interaction and social partnership of state power with civil society in the field of interethnic and interreligious relations, the development of constructive intercultural dialogue and the maintenance of social stability.

Participants of the conference considered issues of legislative bases for the formation of intercultural and inter-confessional consent in the Republic of Kazakhstan, rights and duties of citizens in the sphere of religion, reflected in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, prevention of extremism and manifestations of ethnic conflicts in the city of Almaty; reasons for the manifestation of extremism in the youth environment and preventive work to prevent extremism and terrorism; strengthening of measures of national-cultural associations aimed at strengthening the interethnic accord of the peoples of Kazakhstan; development of scientific and educational activities, active information and propaganda work among the population, strengthening of analytical and research work on the problems of legislation on religion, non-traditional religious movements, wearing external attributes and religious clothing alien to the national culture. 


Department of Religious and Cultural Studies